Razia Sahi, Ph.D.
If you'd like to learn more about my work, feel free to browse below. You’ll find links to my published works, data and analytic code repositories, and relevant blog posts or press articles that communicate this work to the broader public. If you have trouble accessing any of the published materials, please feel free to contact me at rsahi@princeton.edu.

A data-driven typology of emotion regulation profiles

Emotion (2024)

João F. Guassi Moreira | Razia S. Sahi | Maria D. Calderon Leon | Natalie Saragosa-Harris | Yael H. Waizman | Anna E. Sedykin | Emilia Ninova | Tara S. Peris | James Gross | Jennifer A. Silvers

Typologies organize knowledge and advance theory for many scientific disciplines, including more recently in psychological science. However, no typology exists to categorize use of emotion regulation strategies.

You changed my mind: Immediate and enduring impacts of social emotion regulation

Emotion (2023)

Razia S. Sahi | Elizabeth M. Gaines | Siyan Nussbaum | Daniel Lee | Matthew D. Lieberman | Naomi I. Eisenbeger | Jennifer A. Silvers

As social creatures, our relationships with other people have tremendous downstream impacts on health and wellbeing. However, we still know surprisingly little about how our social interactions regulate how we think and feel through life’s challenges.

Peer facilitation of emotion regulation in adolescence

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (2023)

Razia S. Sahi | Naomi I. Eisenbeger | Jennifer A. Silvers

Emotion regulation is particularly important for adolescents as they undergo normative developmental changes in affective systems and experience heightened risk for psychopathology.

One size does not fit all: Decomposing the implementation and differential benefits of social emotion regulation strategies.

Emotion (2022)

Razia S. Sahi | Zhouzhou He | Jennifer A. Silvers | Naomi I. Eisenbeger

Although considerable research has demonstrated the importance of social relationships for well-being, limited work has assessed how people help regulate each other’s emotions, a process called social emotion regulation.

Having more virtual interaction partners during COVID-19 physical distancing measures may benefit mental health.

Scientific Reports (2021)

Razia S. Sahi | Miriam Schwyck | Carolyn Parkinson | Naomi I. Eisenbeger

Social interactions play an extremely important role in maintaining health and well‑being. The COVID‑19 pandemic and associated physical distancing measures, however, restricted the number of people one could physically interact with on a regular basis.

The comfort in touch: Immediate and lasting effects of handholding on emotional experiences.

PLOS ONE (2021)

Razia S. Sahi | Macrina C. Dieffenbach | Siyan Gan | Maya Lee | Laura I. Hazlett | Shannon M. Burns | Matthew D. Lieberman | Simone G. Shamay-Tsoory | Naomi I. Eisenberger

Consoling touch is a powerful form of social support that has been repeatedly demonstrated to reduce the experience of physical pain. However, it remains unknown whether touch reduces emotional pain in the same way that it reduces physical pain.

With a little help from my friends: Selective social potentiation of emotion regulation.

Journal of Experimental Psychology: General (2020)

Razia S. Sahi | Emilia Ninova | Jennifer A. Silvers

Decades of research has pointed to emotion regulation (ER) as a critical ingredient for health, well-being, and social functioning. However, the vast majority of this research has examined emotion regulation in a social vacuum, despite the fact that in everyday life individuals frequently regulate their emotions with help from other people.

Why don’t you like me: The role of the mentalizing network in social rejection.

The Neural Basis of Mentalizing - A Social-Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience Perspective (M. Gilead & K.N. Ochsner) (2020)

Razia S. Sahi | Naomi I. Eisenberger

The pain of rejection is often tied to the way that we interpret how another person thinks or feels about us. In this review, we explore evidence from the current literature to examine the role of mentalizing, the process by which we think about and understand someone else’s thoughts and feelings, in the experience of social rejection.

Performance and belief-based emotion regulation capacity and tendency: Mapping links with cognitive flexibility and perceived stress.

Emotion (2020)

João F. Guassi Moreira | Razia S. Sahi | Emilia Ninova | Carolyn Parkinson | Jennifer A. Silvers

Cognitive reappraisal is among the most effective and well-studied emotion regulation strategies humans have at their disposal. Here, in 250 healthy adults across 2 preregistered studies, we examined whether reappraisal capacity (the ability to reappraise) and tendency (the propensity to reappraise) differentially relate to perceived stress.

It’s okay to be angry: A functionalist perspective of the dangers of over-regulating anger.

Special issue on emotion regulation for Philosophical Topics (2019)

Razia S. Sahi

Recently, the view that anger is bad, even wrong, to feel and express has gained popularity. Philosophers like Martha Nussbaum and Derk Pereboom posit that anger is fundamentally tied to a desire for retribution (i.e. getting even for past events), which they argue is immoral, counterproductive, and irrational.